Madison News
Registration is open for James Madison STEAM Academy Girls Basketball! Register through Franklin Middle School and the QR Code provided!
Fall for the Best of Times! Make the most of the season with these fun programs and events hosted by the City of Greeley, the City of Greeley Recreation Department, and the City of Greeley Museums.
James Madison STEAM Academy presents COCO for the FALL MOVIE NIGHT! Join us Friday, September 27th, 2024 from 6 pm-7:30 pm! Concessions will be sold. Entry is $1 per person! Click for more information!
Yearbook orders online have been closed. We have 50 yearbooks on hand. Hurry and purchase yours today it is first come first serve. Available in front office for $22
We are pleased to introduce the JMSA's new principal, Nidia Martinez-Caro!